8 Cyber Hacks Devastating Effect

A cyber-attack happens every nano-second of the day. Simply put, it means that hundreds of companies are losing billions of dollars regularly. Cybercriminals can easily infiltrate your private database with just a little effort. By launching an attack, unscrupulous hackers sit behind their computers and launch attacks against unprotected computer networks. Hacking attacks can have debilitating and long-term effects on any business. In fact, if you search online you will find stories where cyber-attacks have wiped out some medium and large companies.
Cyber-attacks can be prevented, thus preventing them from even happening in the first place. However, that is if companies protect themselves before a hacking disaster happens. How to prevent a cybersecurity breach? That is the million-dollar question that most companies asked, and still have not found the answer.
But there is an answer to every problem, so noted by the law of Physics. The solution includes preventing an unethical hacker from achieving their objective. Integrate the necessary measures before they can even think about hacking into your private database.
In the world of cyberspace, two types of hackers operate on the dark web. An ethical hacker stands as a barrier between your business and the underworld criminals. Unethical hackers are dangerous hackers. They are responsible for launching attacks that can cripple and disrupt the operation of any business. Criminal hackers are only out to steal and destroy, as they profit from their exploits.
Popular Cyber Security Attacks
Malware attacks utilize malicious software — Created in the forms of trojans, worms, and viruses. Malicious software is structured to reproduce itself and spread throughout an entire computer network. This malware is the pathway for hackers to gain access to the private database, and from there operates the hacked network remotely.
Phishing — This is just like going fishing to reel in the biggest fish for your next meal. Phishing is the term used for well-crafted emails used by cyber-criminals to trick unsuspecting individuals. Usually, recipients click on a link or download dangerous malware sent in the form of an important document. These links will redirect to fake websites on which victims will type in their sensitive bank information and other private details.
Phishing emails are sent daily to thousands of victims. Sometimes they will come from fake emails sent from large financial institutions such as PayPal and other online payment portals.
Ransomware — Hackers use a malignant form of malicious software to encrypt the database files on computers. To gain access would require victims to pay a ransom in cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin is the preferable form of payment since it is the most valuable of all the digital currency. A Ransomware has to be removed by a decryption key, and that could mean forking out hundreds to thousands of dollars payable on the cybercriminal instruction.
Service Denial — This cyberattack incapacitates online services. It is a forceful attack where an over-abundance of traffic goes to a particular website. Thus, crashing that website since the hosting does not provide for that on the rush of abnormal traffic. Large companies like Amazon and eBay could lose billions of dollars since the systems would be overwhelmed and unavailable to potential shoppers.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) happens when launched by unethical hackers who control a network of computers. With this malware, they funnel millions of traffic to their intended targets.
Man in the middle — (MITM) Ever stayed at a hotel and realized that someone hijacked your credit card and banking credentials? Then you might have been attacked by the man in the middle. Usually, the attackers will set up a Wi-Fi network, which mimics the hotel’s computer network. The minute you logged on; your private information becomes harvested materials by these criminals.
Cryptojacking — A victim’s computer unknowingly generates and mine cryptocurrency. Cybercriminals remotely install damaging malware on the intended target computer. A JavaScript code can also control the web browser of victims.
SQL injection — A victim computer often executes commands sent by hackers through a SQL injection. Cybercriminals designed these attacks that can take control of vulnerable victims’ computers.
Computer programmers designed databases with the Structured Query Language (SQL). That allows your browser to obey search commands. Hackers are also computer programmers that can write codes that will force your computer to execute a command sent.
Zero-day exploits — These attacks execute through vulnerabilities found in software. A patch is usually needed to fix this problem. The hacker has a fewer number of computers to attack as the patch with security updates is downloaded by users. The dark web is where criminal hackers source codes for attacking security vulnerabilities. Government agencies can use these security breaches for hacking purposes – Astonishing isn’t it?
Wonderful post! But the dark web can be a very scary place. How would you know ethical hackers from criminal hackers?